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Free Tailwind CSS Breadcrumbs Components

Breadcrumbs components

Breadcrumbs components created with Tailwind CSS, responsive breadcrumbs examples, styled with icons, with transitions & more. Continuously updated & open-source.

  • Default

    This is the basic version of a breadcrumb component. It is minimalistic, typically displaying hierarchical links to the current page location in the website or app.

  • Breadcrumb slides

    This breadcrumb component includes a slide between page links.

  • Breadcrumb icons

    This component introduces visual icons into the breadcrumb trail. Icons are placed next to each section, providing a more intuitive and visually appealing way for users to understand the hierarchy.

  • Breadcrumb navigation

    This is a more complex breadcrumb component, which is designed not just to show the path, but also to act as a direct navigation tool.

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