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Free Tailwind CSS Badge Components

Badge components

Badge components created with Tailwind CSS, free-to-use badges with icons, stylized badges & more. Continuously updated & open-source.

  • Default

    This is the standard or default Badge component. It presents text in a compact layout, commonly used to display a numerical count or status.

  • Label

    This Badge component is designed as a label. Labels are typically used to categorize or tag items, providing quick visual indications that can help users understand and sort information better.

  • Label Border

    This version of the Badge component includes a border. This additional styling can help the badge stand out on a variety of backgrounds or make the label's information more visible.

  • Label Styles

    This Badge component is designed with a variety of styles. These styles refer to different color schemes, font styles, border styles, etc., allowing the badge to be customized according to its use case.

  • Outline Stroke

    This Badge component features an outline stroke. The stroke refers to the line that forms the shape of the badge.

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