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  3. Alert

Free Tailwind CSS Alert Components

Alert components

Alert components created with Tailwind CSS, free-to-use alert messages, alert banners and alert boxes & more. Continuously updated & open-source.

  • With Icon

    This Alert component is designed with an icon included. The icon can be used to provide an immediate visual cue about the nature of the alert, such as error, warning, success, or information.

  • With Colors

    This Alert component features various color options. It can be customized with different background colors, text colors, or border colors to reflect the severity or type of alert message.

  • Simple

    This is a minimalist Alert component. It provides the most basic and essential alert functionality without any additional decoration such as icons or various color options.

  • With Content

    This Alert component is designed to accommodate more comprehensive content. This could include additional text, links, or even other HTML elements.

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